Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Foreign.
[00:00:09] Speaker B: The podcast for those who find themselves immersed in adversity and choose to write their story instead of having others write it for them. I'm Drew Duraney and I'm your host. Today's guest is Barnsley Brown. Dr. Barnsley Brown has a 97 success rate helping big hearted business owners reach six figures and beyond fast with fun. She offers the Make It Happen Mastermind group coaching program, Get Results now laser coaching program and transformational Reiki training for business owners. Dr. Barnsley is also the host of the popular Bold Badass business show. Grab your free copy of her ebook how to Overcome overwhelm in seven easy steps at www.spirited-solutions.com. remember that dash enjoy the show. Barnsley, it's so good to see you.
[00:01:08] Speaker A: Hey Drew, it's wonderful to see you too.
[00:01:12] Speaker B: So we were talking a little bit before I hit record because I love doing that because I can get to learn a little more about the guests. And you know, we did talk about a few things. One thing I definitely I want to thank who introduced us and indirectly Frank Aan introduced us through his networking hub assembly. So I always like to thank the people who introduce us because there's a reason why we met. So thank you, Frank.
You know, also, you know, talk about how when we're growing up, we're told that life is linear, right? And life is linear until life gets in the way. And you know, we're told young and it's not malicious by any means by the people who teach us, but they want it to happen for us where it's easy and it's not A plus B plus C. They tell us it's going to equal D. And often something gets in the way. Barnes and we have to make a decision in life whether to change or just stay the way we are. And I often do say that there's three types of people in the world. There's you got women, woman or man number one, who's got a lot of blind spots. They don't notice anything and they just continue going through life the way they are. And the woman number two is the one who notices there's adversity but plays the victim and blames others and doesn't change because she figures she can't change anything. And then there's woman number three, which is why you're here. These are the guests I have on who do know they do notice their adversity. They see it differently. They see adversity as an opportunity to become better. Life is doing something for them. And that takes a heightened self Awareness and a willingness to shift your mindset. And you've done that.
So I'd love for you to please reach back as far as you have to to find that defining moment. Whether it was a tap on the shoulder, the whisper in the ear, or like I needed the 2 by 4 upside my head or something to get to you and say, barnsley, there's a better way to live. I'm changing something and I'm becoming a stronger woman. Would you be happy to share that?
[00:03:11] Speaker A: Yes. I would have to say, Drew, that this was when I was about 12 years old and I had gone away to camp. I was excited to go away to camp and I had met my first little boyfriend.
[00:03:27] Speaker B: There we go.
[00:03:29] Speaker A: I was so excited because on the way back on the bus, Tod, I were going to sit together and I think we were going to hold hands, like, deal. Right. And my mother intercepted the bus and got me off the bus and I didn't know what was going on. And she said, we're going to stay with my uncle and my aunt, who I was not close to. They were very much.
How can I put this nicely? Socialites.
Yes. Kind of in a. Very wealthy.
Just not a lot there to. To connect to.
[00:04:07] Speaker B: Right. I understand.
[00:04:10] Speaker A: Not. Not from the wealth point of view from. But just from being very, very traditional, let's put it that way. And she said, I've. I've left your father and we're going to stay there. And so, Drew, I never went home. I never went home again.
[00:04:29] Speaker B: Oh, gosh.
[00:04:30] Speaker A: Never went home and everything that I owned. And I was a. A little writer. I loved to write. I loved my books. I had a little rabbit named Uncle Wiggily.
This was Uncle Wiggily the third.
[00:04:49] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah.
[00:04:50] Speaker A: And you know, my father let my rabbit freeze to death. And there were some really. Which is a. It sounds sort of funny in a way, like this is. But this is one of the most traumatic events, of course.
[00:05:06] Speaker B: Oh, yes, of course.
[00:05:08] Speaker A: I'm such an animal lover. And I. My mother could not get my brother to go because they had a very tumultuous relationship. He was the rebel, I was the goody goody. And my father was alcoholic and bipolar and my mother had just gotten to a point where she just couldn't do it anymore.
[00:05:24] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:05:25] Speaker A: So I left everything and never went back. And at that moment, I really lost my father. Even though he wasn't that much of a father, I lost him in my life. And I also lost my brother for many, many, many years.
[00:05:41] Speaker B: Wow.
[00:05:42] Speaker A: And then they proceeded to fight using the two of us.
[00:05:45] Speaker B: Right.
[00:05:46] Speaker A: You know, I remember being at the beautiful home in Rocky Mountain, North Carolina, with my aunt. And it's a funny detail, but I sprayed my hair with sun in. Super sun in. Do you remember that stuff?
[00:06:02] Speaker B: I do remember that stuff. I didn't know it still exists. Gee. Sun in. Oh, my gosh.
[00:06:08] Speaker A: My hair. Like this brassy color, right?
[00:06:11] Speaker B: I love it. Yeah.
[00:06:12] Speaker A: Brassy color.
I just had to do something that marked a change there.
[00:06:19] Speaker B: Wow.
[00:06:20] Speaker A: And I never went home. And you know when I think, did.
[00:06:24] Speaker B: You ever see Todd again?
[00:06:26] Speaker A: I did see Todd.
[00:06:27] Speaker B: Good. We'll get to that. Okay.
[00:06:31] Speaker A: It wasn't all that. So. No.
[00:06:33] Speaker B: Okay. All right. So I was. I was. I was concerned for you on that one. Okay.
[00:06:38] Speaker A: No, he wasn't all that. That was just a little 12 year old. But yeah, I remember Todd came over and we had lived in this beautiful house that had a swimming pool. And for some reason I was back at the house and Todd came over. But I kind of had lost my fascination with Todd by that.
[00:06:54] Speaker B: There we go.
[00:06:55] Speaker A: Yeah. But, you know, just losing. Really losing everything.
[00:07:00] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:07:01] Speaker A: Then was.
Was devastating. It was completely devastating.
And I began to write more.
[00:07:14] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:07:15] Speaker A: But I also became. I was always a quiet child, Drew. I was a quiet child. I was gifted and talented and super smart. But I was very quiet because I kind of sucked up all the toxicity of my parents.
[00:07:30] Speaker B: Yes, Absolutely.
[00:07:33] Speaker A: Yeah. I just sucked it up and tried to turn it into something.
But I remember writing a poem at age 13.
We went to live with my best friend and her mother, who was also a single mom. We went to live with them for the summer before we got our own little. Our own little condo.
[00:07:52] Speaker B: Right.
[00:07:52] Speaker A: But I was so enraged and didn't know what to do. And I was just, like, turned inward. And I would go to meals with a book and read them. Like, go read the book.
[00:08:04] Speaker B: I was just.
[00:08:05] Speaker A: Lose myself in books.
[00:08:07] Speaker B: Sure.
[00:08:07] Speaker A: This poem at Valentine's Day. And I decided it was a really bad poem. I can say that now. It was just so bad. I've had it.
It was like this rhyming poem. I have it somewhere. But it was the intention.
[00:08:21] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:08:22] Speaker A: And I wanted everyone to know that they mattered, which is.
[00:08:26] Speaker B: Wow.
[00:08:27] Speaker A: Piece of my life. Always.
[00:08:29] Speaker B: Sure.
[00:08:30] Speaker A: And so I just folded it up. You know, we did those little funny folding things tucked in. And I folded them and I gave them to. I gave all my friends a copy of the poem.
[00:08:44] Speaker B: Wow.
[00:08:45] Speaker A: And that was a big moment for me because it was me saying, you know, things are pretty awful right now at a Pretty awful time. I'm going to give something to other people through my writing so that they matter.
[00:09:03] Speaker B: That's beautiful.
[00:09:04] Speaker A: I think about that little, you know, preteen.
[00:09:09] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:09:10] Speaker A: That awareness.
[00:09:11] Speaker B: Well, that awareness was. You needed others to say that to you.
[00:09:15] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:09:16] Speaker B: You know, and so, you know what? Doing that.
[00:09:19] Speaker A: You're absolutely right. And here's the thing. And this is why we end up, you know, it's one of the things I love about being a coach, a business coach, and also training people in Reiki is that I get to encourage others and give them the encouragement that I did not get.
[00:09:37] Speaker B: Absolutely. Yep. Yeah.
[00:09:39] Speaker A: It's very fulfilling for that.
[00:09:41] Speaker B: It is, it is.
Yeah, it's. It is interesting when you find out, finally find out what your passion is and what you want to do in life, how it does relate to how you.
The trauma that you had younger and what you're searching for to give others because you didn't have it. And, you know, it's happened to me, too, because I remember being thinking I was a leader and my first grades teacher told my mom I was a follower, and that news got back to me and that kind of affected that. Now I'm back to saying, now I'm a leader and I'm going to do things to show that and, and help others. So I give you that, teacher. That's all. I know. I know.
[00:10:23] Speaker A: This is the thing I just want to say to everybody listening to us. I don't care what somebody's saying about you.
If you, you look at the source. Right. And if it's your best friend who's always had your best interest at listen. Right. Because there is some truth there. But if it's somebody like a teacher or a dissertation director or a coach or a youth director or whatever else, a neighbor who's saying stuff about you.
[00:10:52] Speaker B: Yes, absolutely. You can say it. You can say it.
[00:10:56] Speaker A: Then just look at the source and don't believe that. Don't believe it because it's a bunch of bs.
[00:11:03] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:11:04] Speaker A: Somebody else's crap that they're projecting.
[00:11:08] Speaker B: Absolutely. Absolutely. And what's a shame is, you know, now as an adult, we have that mental capacity and in our brain to be able to do that when we're young. We don't. Which is why it's really important as, as adults now for us to mentor the youth and let them know this before things happen because they won't have the mental capacity to automatically, you know, look at the source. They're going to believe it. Yeah, yeah.
[00:11:35] Speaker A: When we're, Especially when we're up to age 7. Developmentally, there is no. No filter that whatever said comes right in.
[00:11:45] Speaker B: Yep. Absolutely.
[00:11:46] Speaker A: Stuff, you know, and I even think, you know, Drew, it's just. It's such an interesting thing. You know, I'm a. I'm a parent, and I know you are, too. I have a daughter, and we have a pretty darn, I think, open relationship. We sometimes bump heads, and, of course, we. But I've tried to very much be conscious and be aware and apologize when I need to and, you know, own my part and in. In whatever's going on. And I think it. What I realize is that there were a number of things said to me by parents.
[00:12:25] Speaker B: Right.
[00:12:26] Speaker A: That were so off base and invasive and. And abusive. I would say.
[00:12:35] Speaker B: Sure.
[00:12:35] Speaker A: That I'm very aware now with my daughter. You know, one thing was my body was commented on, Drew. And my mother would say things like, oh, you don't look good in those jeans. And this is when I was super slim now. But then I was.
[00:12:50] Speaker B: Oh, boy. Yeah.
[00:12:51] Speaker A: It just. It stuck with me my whole life.
[00:12:55] Speaker B: Yeah. Yep.
[00:12:56] Speaker A: You know, and it has been something. I've really consciously have always been curvy, and I've. And this is a thing for women, right?
[00:13:03] Speaker B: Absolutely.
[00:13:04] Speaker A: For guys, you got to be buff. Right. But to. To. I've always been curvy, and just to love my body, of course, to be appreciative for it has been a big deal. And how it shows up with my daughter is. I will never say. Even though I might think it sometimes.
[00:13:20] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:13:21] Speaker A: I will never say that.
[00:13:23] Speaker B: Ever. No, no, I like that.
[00:13:25] Speaker A: But we don't wear crop tops. That needs. You know. Yeah, I like that color. Or I'll find something to like, because I didn't feel that as a kid. And that is. It's not just what people say to us. This is the other thing I would say to your listeners.
It's not just what people say to us. It's also what they don't.
[00:13:48] Speaker B: What they don't say. Absolutely. Absolutely. There. There are things that can help us that people will say, and there are things that hurt us. And, you know, a lot of people. Too many people give unsolicited advice.
And that's another thing. And. And the things that usually stick are the negative things. That's how the human brain works. And so. So I'm with you on this, and it's a shame that some of this stuff stuck with you.
I wouldn't know that any of this kind of stuff happened, because you carry yourself tremendously well. So how did you get for. Let's. Let's say you're at that home with your aunt, and you now are going into, you know, the high school, college thing. How did. How did life change for you for the better? How did you make this circumstance a positive? What silver lining you take out of all this?
[00:14:38] Speaker A: Oh, gosh, there's so much. Well, I will say my mother did introduce me to great books, such as by Robert Schuller and some other incredible. Dale Carnegie and some other incredible people.
[00:14:50] Speaker B: Right.
[00:14:51] Speaker A: Helped form me into a more positive frame of mind. So I want to give her credit for that.
And at 16, I began doing theater.
[00:15:02] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:15:03] Speaker A: At the suggestion of a friend of mine who since died, but bless his heart. Thank you, Craig. I'll always be grateful to you for being the person who said, you have to try out for this play. You're the perfect for this role. And I got it. And then everybody knew me, Drew. I went from being this, you know, Quiet.
[00:15:22] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:15:22] Speaker A: And feeling invisible. Everyone knew me, and I was talented, and people saw it, and they were. You know. And then I knew everybody and became popular in a different way. I was.
[00:15:32] Speaker B: Right. Right.
[00:15:33] Speaker A: Initially popular.
[00:15:34] Speaker B: Would you say that's when you started to find your voice?
[00:15:37] Speaker A: Exactly.
[00:15:38] Speaker B: It did. Okay. 16.
[00:15:40] Speaker A: Well, the beginning was that poem that.
[00:15:41] Speaker B: I told you the poem started it. Right, Absolutely.
[00:15:45] Speaker A: And a lot of journals, which I still have somewhere, Drew. I have them somewhere, and I need to find those things, because you do.
[00:15:54] Speaker B: That's another book. That's another book. That's a book in the making. There you go.
[00:15:58] Speaker A: Right, right. Can you imagine? I just the. To read back through that. So at 16, I remember making a decision. I was at school, and I remember saying, you know what? I'm deciding to be happy.
I am. Wow.
[00:16:14] Speaker B: I love that. I love that decision.
[00:16:17] Speaker A: I remember the moment I was in. I was walking between classes, and I made this decision, and I have continued. Oh, and I get chills on that.
[00:16:26] Speaker B: That's beautiful.
[00:16:27] Speaker A: Continued to choose happiness. Right. And I don't mean that like, oh, everything is fine.
[00:16:34] Speaker B: No, nothing isn't. No, no, I understand what you're saying.
[00:16:38] Speaker A: I've been through a lot of hard things.
[00:16:40] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:16:40] Speaker A: I've almost died with anaphylaxis. I've been through.
[00:16:43] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh, we all have. Yeah.
[00:16:46] Speaker A: Here's the thing.
[00:16:47] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:16:48] Speaker A: Choose happiness. And to choose to believe that no matter what thing happens in life, it is neutral. It is not meant to punish me. It is not because of me. Somebody dies. Somebody leaves, somebody has an affair, Somebody says something negative. It's about death.
[00:17:05] Speaker B: It's not about, it's not about you. Right. Absolutely.
[00:17:08] Speaker A: And so I would say, Drew, that, that, you know, I'm so grateful for the, Every. All the tumultuous stuff that is happening in life.
[00:17:16] Speaker B: Yeah. So when you, when you made that decision to be happy, was that before or after you did the acting?
[00:17:25] Speaker A: You know, it was about the same time.
[00:17:27] Speaker B: Simultaneous.
[00:17:28] Speaker A: Continued to do the, the.
[00:17:30] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Now, you know, because, because paradigm shifts, you have to be willing and able. And, And I. Probably because you were able to get that acting gig that gave you the ability, and you probably were always willing to do it and weren't, you know, didn't have the ability. You had both, and now you made. You made it. You made a choice. And that's a great point, though, too, because many people, adults, don't really think that we have a choice to change the trajectory of our lives, and we do.
[00:18:03] Speaker A: Always a choice.
[00:18:04] Speaker B: Yep.
[00:18:05] Speaker A: And not making a choice is as much a choice as any.
[00:18:08] Speaker B: Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. You don't have to. You don't have to be forced into making a choice. You can choose not to choose.
[00:18:15] Speaker A: And Drew, you know what? Here's the thing. Everything's neutral. I was just talking with somebody about this before coming on here. Everything in life is neutral. The stuff that happens is neutral. Like I said, it's not meant to hurt us. The thing that we can choose is the story that we make up about it.
[00:18:31] Speaker B: Absolutely. Absolutely. Yep.
[00:18:34] Speaker A: And so for the longest time, you know, I, I've. And we've all had stories that were not the best stories about people or situations.
[00:18:41] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:18:41] Speaker A: Then. Then we can come back to it and say, well, you know, actually, all of this that I experienced made me so incredibly empathic that I can tell what people are thinking and feeling and they don't have to say it.
[00:18:54] Speaker B: Right.
[00:18:55] Speaker A: You know, such a gift in my.
[00:18:57] Speaker B: Well, it is what that. It is a gift. And you've mentioned earlier about Reiki I would love to get into when you realize that you had this gift and potential to be.
First, be comfortable to tell people you have this gift. Because a lot of people, you know, if they, if you say it, they don't believe in the whole Reiki and energy healing thing. But I, I, I do. I'm one of those ones who never. Who didn't in the past and do now. So please tell me how you realized you had this gift and, and when. And how you. You were ready to let the world know you had it.
[00:19:33] Speaker A: Okay. So that's such. I'll give You. The short version.
[00:19:35] Speaker B: I'll take the.
[00:19:36] Speaker A: I was totally skeptical, Drew. Totally. Like, I knew people who did Reiki and I would get at the end of the potluck line to get away from them at church. I'm serious. And I love food. So just imagine me at the end.
[00:19:48] Speaker B: Of the potluck line and the line skeptical.
[00:19:51] Speaker A: I was.
[00:19:52] Speaker B: I love it. I love it.
[00:19:53] Speaker A: Plus, I was in gradual school, right. So I was living, like, all up in my head. It was all about, you know, logic and memorization and learning and.
[00:20:01] Speaker B: Yeah. And this count. This was right up against that course.
[00:20:05] Speaker A: Right. Rhetoric. Oh, my God. And this. That just challenged me. It was so frightening to me. I was the sixth car in a seven car pilot, Drew. And. Oh, yeah. And I was on the way to a poetry thing with a friend of mine to have our seat belts on, thankfully, because we hit so fast.
[00:20:25] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:20:25] Speaker A: A car was totaled. And the wife of my favorite professor was a Reiki level two practitioner.
[00:20:32] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:20:33] Speaker A: Because I didn't want to take the opioid. Whatever. They were things.
[00:20:37] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:20:38] Speaker A: Because they knocked me out. Because I wanted to hear the poetry. I consented to her doing Reiki on me. And she placed her hands in different positions on my back for about 30 minutes. And my pain was gone. Drew.
[00:20:51] Speaker B: Oh, my God.
[00:20:54] Speaker A: Now, it wasn't like it was gone forever, but I didn't have to take another painkiller.
[00:20:59] Speaker B: Painkiller. Yeah.
[00:21:00] Speaker A: Never. And I had to come. I came back on the bus with my friend to Chapel Hill because my car had been totaled in old Volvo. They're virtually indestructible.
[00:21:07] Speaker B: Oh, my God. Those are almost indestructible.
[00:21:09] Speaker A: 87 total. Never saw it again. Never saw that thing again.
Had double whiplash. I went to church. I was talking to a friend who was a professor at unc, and I, of course, was in graduate school at unc. And I said, sarah, I had this wild experience with this thing called Rocky. And she said, oh, you mean Reiki. I'm studying it this weekend and I can work on you. Why don't I work on you? I need someone to work on.
[00:21:36] Speaker B: Wow. Perfect.
[00:21:37] Speaker A: That's how it started. And then I love it with a guy who was a retired IBMer, Drew. And he'd gotten on insulin using Reiki.
[00:21:45] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. I wasn't thinking. Yeah. My dad was at IBM. I wouldn't think an IBMer would.
[00:21:50] Speaker A: I know my stepfather was an IBMer. So I just say that because I want y'all to understand, you know?
[00:21:57] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:21:57] Speaker A: Not A Woo Woo person.
[00:21:59] Speaker B: No, you've gotta want it, though. You've got to want it to work to believe it to work too. Right?
[00:22:04] Speaker A: Actually, no, no. I could tell you so many stories of friends of mine who are scientists and whatnot, and they don't believe it. A bit of it. And I said, well, you know, what do you have to lose?
[00:22:13] Speaker B: Well, good. True, true, true, true.
[00:22:16] Speaker A: Do you have anything to lose? You know, that's kind of. You don't have to believe it for it to work. And I love seeing people. Some of my students, for example, I'm thinking of one who was Hungarian, her wife. His. Her. Her husband was a math professor.
[00:22:32] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:22:33] Speaker A: And he made fun of her for coming into Reiki training with me.
[00:22:37] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah.
[00:22:38] Speaker A: And then eventually, you know what happened? She went all the way through the highest level of Reiki, which takes quite a commitment, Right. Level master, because it's like. It's like karate, you know, it's got different levels. She went through the highest level, and by the end of our year together in that highest level.
[00:22:54] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:22:55] Speaker A: Asking her for treatments.
[00:22:58] Speaker B: There you go, There you go.
I'm sure he saw a difference in it and everything. And then. Yeah.
[00:23:06] Speaker A: Yep.
[00:23:07] Speaker B: That is amazing. Well, I'm glad you have to believe.
[00:23:09] Speaker A: In it for it.
[00:23:10] Speaker B: No, no. Well, good, good, good, good.
You know, tell us about your coaching and. And what you do in your coaching.
[00:23:19] Speaker A: Yes. So I always, actually am always using Reiki. Everywhere I go, I'm using it. Now you are energy out, Drew.
[00:23:30] Speaker B: I love it.
[00:23:31] Speaker A: Guess what? Matter is energy. And we're energy.
[00:23:34] Speaker B: Right?
[00:23:35] Speaker A: We are energy. That's just physics.
[00:23:37] Speaker B: Yep, true.
[00:23:38] Speaker A: And we've all felt it, right? We've all felt it. When somebody walks in the door and.
[00:23:41] Speaker B: We'Re like, I know you get.
[00:23:43] Speaker A: Somebody walks in the door, we think, oh, I gotta talk to that.
[00:23:45] Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely.
[00:23:46] Speaker A: More. Way more than we think we do.
[00:23:48] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:23:49] Speaker A: We are energetic beings. Matter is energy. That's a law of physics. So that being said, I'm always using all the many things I've studied. And I've not only studied Reiki, I'm a dowser. I use thought filled therapy, which is a. A really wonderful form of. A more focused form of eft. You know, the tapping.
[00:24:10] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:24:12] Speaker A: So I use all that stuff in my coaching as well as very traditional asking questions.
[00:24:18] Speaker B: Sure, right.
[00:24:20] Speaker A: And, you know, looking at options for solutions. You know the name of my business, Spirited Solutions. So I'm a very interesting, I would say, blend of right. And left brain with my clients. And we not only do the strategy. But we also deal with the energetic part. The energetic blueprint.
[00:24:40] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:24:40] Speaker A: Because if you have a shitty energetic blueprint, you're going to get crappy results.
[00:24:44] Speaker B: Okay. Absolutely. Yeah, yeah.
[00:24:46] Speaker A: You know it makes sense, right?
[00:24:47] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah.
[00:24:48] Speaker A: And we deal with the mindset issues, that blueprint. And that's essential because otherwise folks will not implement the strategy.
[00:24:57] Speaker B: Very, very good point. You have to embody the strategy. Yeah, yeah. And implement.
[00:25:01] Speaker A: To move what needs to go so that the strategy can stick. So, for example, I just had. I have a new client who her messaging was off. We've really been working on her messaging and her business. We got it nailed down. She could get behind it. She felt the power of it. And then right after that, the next week, she enrolled her first paid in full ten thousand dollar coaching client.
[00:25:25] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:25:27] Speaker A: Right. And what happened is we did a lot of work up to there to get rid of mindset stuff. Before, she had only the highest she'd ever charged was about 600.
Move her up to where she knew the value of what she offered and could really stand in that.
[00:25:46] Speaker B: Yep. Yeah, that's very important. Knowing your value and standing your ground. And you. She needed the work you did for her to be confident in order to. To let that enter. That. That positive energy out there.
That's fat. That's absolutely fascinating. Now you have a podcast. Here's where I'm interested. Because it was the quiet young lady who then did the acting and started to show find her voice. And then now you have a podcast.
[00:26:12] Speaker A: That'S called what Bold badass business.
[00:26:17] Speaker B: So. So that young.
[00:26:19] Speaker A: I'm gonna do my snort laugh. You know, when I laugh a lot, Drew, I snort.
[00:26:23] Speaker B: You snort. So I'm gonna get you to snore now. So. So yes, I did. Thank you.
[00:26:28] Speaker A: We.
[00:26:28] Speaker B: And I'm not editing that out. That I'm gonna actually, I will enhance that. Tell me, tell me how you came up with that with the podcast. Because even the type of coaching you mentioned doesn't sound like that. So please indulge us.
[00:26:45] Speaker A: Well, but I will say, okay, it doesn't sound like that, but I am very forthright and direct with my.
[00:26:50] Speaker B: I love that, dad. I do love.
[00:26:52] Speaker A: You know, that's the case. They know. I mean, I am very nurturing and loving and they know I'll kick their butts if I need to.
[00:27:00] Speaker B: Well, we need that. You can call us out on our. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
[00:27:05] Speaker A: Yeah. And so it really is, you know, being a badass doesn't mean you're, you know, you're A biker, right. Go around you know, beating people up.
[00:27:14] Speaker B: No, no.
[00:27:15] Speaker A: For me, being a badass is about the fact that everybody matters and I'm going to stand as their partner in creating the profitable, purposeful business that is theirs to create.
[00:27:29] Speaker B: Absolutely.
[00:27:29] Speaker A: I'm not backing down now. That's a badass.
Absolutely relentless about it.
[00:27:37] Speaker B: Well, I love that because that's why I wanted to bring that out. Because now the audience has certainly captured the essence of Dr.
Brown, the badass. So folks, you are gonna bring it out.
[00:27:50] Speaker A: Their badass.
[00:27:53] Speaker B: It's your badass.
[00:27:57] Speaker A: Just enrolled that paid in full, man. I said, look, you went from 600 to 10,000 and you got it paid in full. That is freaking badassery right there if I've ever seen it.
[00:28:06] Speaker B: Absolutely is. So, so you're going to want to get in touch with Dr. Barnsley in order for you and for her to help you get out that badass right there. Go to her website, it's spirited-solutions.com. grab a complimentary book. Her book is called how to Overcome Overwhelm in seven Easy Steps. Her website also has everything else that that Dr. Barnes is involved in. So you're going to get a lot of value by getting to know Dr. Barnsley Brown.
So let me see, we're running out of time and I have two questions I am dying to ask you. The first one is you got the opportunity. You're sitting down with young 7 to 10 year old Barnsley and you want to give her advice about life. What are you going to tell her?
[00:29:01] Speaker A: Wow.
Well, first of all, I'm going to tell her she is precious.
Yep, she is precious. She is beautiful, kind, she is smart, she is emotionally intelligent. So first of all, I'm going to tell her all the qualities and just love on her and then I'm gonna tell her that she's gonna be fine, that she's going to have a super interesting life and she's going to have, she's going to impact a lot of people.
[00:29:38] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:29:39] Speaker A: And she's going to have a daughter she's so proud of who bears those qualities.
[00:29:46] Speaker B: That's beautiful.
[00:29:47] Speaker A: She cares about and she's going to rescue a lot of animals and you know, she's gonna travel far and wide and people are going to.
She's going to be unforgettable for good reasons.
[00:30:03] Speaker B: I love that. That's beautiful. All right, so switching hats, you're now speaking with young Barnes of the young entrepreneur, young businesswoman ready to give her advice on business. What are you going to tell her?
[00:30:15] Speaker A: Okay, so here's what I tell her.
[00:30:17] Speaker B: There you go.
[00:30:18] Speaker A: Don't. When you start that business, okay, go ahead. The PhD do all that stuff. You always want it, do it, get it out of the way. Then keep. Just start your own business. After you do the professor thing for a little bit, just start your own business. Because then the glass ceiling you have is only the only one you set. Nobody else break that glass ceiling anytime you want. All right. So you set your own standards and your own glass ceiling by having your own business and then get a kick ass, badass coach like Dr. Barnsley, older doctor, instead of trying to piece it together.
[00:30:53] Speaker B: Yeah, many of us do that. Good point.
[00:30:56] Speaker A: I tried that. It did not work. Get your kickass, badass business owner so you can get into six figures and beyond way faster and have that. Make sure that person has done what you want to do and make sure they're going to open up their networks to you. Make sure that they have a incredible experience, not just theoretical knowledge and. Yeah. And follow what they've done and listen to what they say and be coachable and follow your star.
You create it. I would say to her, you create it and surround yourself with people who've done what you want to do and hire them.
[00:31:37] Speaker B: Beautiful. Love that advice. Love that advice. Well, Dr. Barnsley, I want to thank you for A coming on, B coming into my life. There's a reason why keep doing what you're doing. Wonderful human being, adding so much value to people's lives and they need you, you. So thank you so much.
[00:31:54] Speaker A: And the same is true of you, Drew. So I love the conversation we've had. You've made. You've brought out some awarenesses that I did not have before. So I really appreciate that. I'm taking a lot away away from this and I really hope your listeners are too.
[00:32:10] Speaker B: Wonderful, wonderful. Thanks again. So everybody out there, please take care of yourselves.
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feel free to also email me at drewrophetcompassion.com I'd love to have a conversation with you. Take care of yourself and choose to write your own story instead of letting others write it. For.