Episode 66

March 01, 2024


Episode 66 - Larry Kaul - Unleashing Potential: Larry's Journey from Adversity to Entrepreneurial Success

Hosted by

Drew Deraney
Episode 66 - Larry Kaul - Unleashing Potential: Larry's Journey from Adversity to Entrepreneurial Success
From Caving In To Crushing It
Episode 66 - Larry Kaul - Unleashing Potential: Larry's Journey from Adversity to Entrepreneurial Success

Mar 01 2024 | 00:41:22


Show Notes

This episode: Unleashing Potential: Larry's Journey from Adversity to Entrepreneurial Success. 


Here’s what you’ll learn about:

Overcoming adversity and finding one's true path. (0:07)

  • Larry shares his personal journey of overcoming adversity and finding his true purpose.
  • He recounts moments of self-doubt and inner conflict, and ultimately leans towards the voice that encourages him to pursue his dreams.
  • Larry recognizes the importance of adapting his approach to suit his current situation, rather than trying to adopt someone else's method.
  • He emphasizes the value of figuring out one's own way of doing things, rather than simply adopting the methods of others.

Somatic coaching for inner child trauma release. (6:00)

  • Larry tells that story about a man who seeks somatic coach to help him release embodied pain from difficult upbringing.
  • He discusses the importance of understanding an individual's archetypal makeup when providing coaching or guidance.

Entrepreneurial mindset shift and success. (8:35)

  • Larry reflects on his shift from successful Solopreneur Inc. to Red Pill pathway, citing a mindset transformation and a desire for a more fulfilling work experience.

Personal growth and business strategy during pandemic. (10:14)

  • Larry desires to transition from service-oriented business to a seven-figure company with high profit margins and leverage through social media and group products.

Personal struggles and business challenges. (11:42)

  • Larry struggles with work-related stress and emotional exhaustion, considering letting go of employees but unable to afford it.
  • Inner despair without rational explanation, blamed on external factors.

Personal growth and entrepreneurship. (15:02)

  • Larry reflects on his journey of self-discovery and growth, mentioning key milestones such as waking up at 5am and practicing meditation.
  • He emphasizes the importance of inner knowing and paying attention to one's environment, citing it as the foundation of his success.
  • Larry encourages others to study meditation or similar vehicle and focus on their inner journey, suggesting it can lead to greater self-awareness and personal growth.
  • Larry reflects on his journey of self-discovery and growth, sharing his struggles with shame and fear.
  • He discusses his experience with entrepreneurship and the need for authenticity in his work and personal lives.
  • He emphasizes the importance of connecting deeply with others and helping them find their own path to success.


To learn more about Larry’s mission, go to his LinkedIn profile at or https://www.linkedin.com/in/larrykaul/ 

Or his website at https://www.redpillpathway.com/


Larry’s Bio: Larry Kaul

Larry existed in shame, fear, and pride, always feeling something was missing. Despite this, he created what appeared to be a reality of freedom, happiness, and satisfaction. 

He was given the courage to begin his Red Pill Pathway journey in April 2011 by his mentor Jed Jacobs, on a retreat in the woods, beginning his exploration of himself.

Larry decided to change his life at 5:00 AM on September 20th, 2020. He jumped off the cliff and dove deep into the rabbit hole of his belief system and inner burdens. 

Larry met his True Self on February 15th, 2023, after a series of harrowing exponential leaps, dark night of the soul moments, and the creation of the Red Pill Pathway.

Larry lives in Evanston, IL, with Kelli, his patient and beautiful wife, amazing and talented daughter Mila, and too many cats and dogs, including Daisy, Evie, Lucky, and Clover.

In his spare time, he talks to himself, reads too many books, and hangs out with amazing friends. 


About your host: I'm Drew Deraney, the proud father of three children. For most of my life I've been concerned with what people thought of me and how I was supposed to act. I learned not to be my authentic self and instead became a people pleaser, a man wearing a mask.

In a 9-month span a few years ago, I endured four faith-shaking life events that caused me to question my existence.

I became determined to find a better way to live. Through intense self-reflection and awareness, I realized that in order to be happy, I must adhere to my standards of honesty, integrity and truth and needed to break free from the belief system that was anchored in me for close to 50 years.

I found my purpose and my mission in life. I've now become the man I know I am meant to be. My mission is empowering men ready to make a change to do the same.

My men's group and one-on-one coaching provide a safe space for men to share, without judgement, and transform. My male clients learn to release their inner greatness and stop self-sabotage, the #1 roadblock keeping them from reaching their goals.



Website: https://profitcompassion.com/

Email: [email protected]

Free Webinar: Overcoming Self-Sabotage Registration


Men’s Group Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/771474359577?aff=oddtdtcreator

Book a Coaching Discovery Call: https://link.mavericksystems.online/widget/bookings/netweaving/connect30

Pick up a copy of Drew’s book: https://amzn.to/40dsbyR

View Full Transcript

Episode Transcript

[00:00:06] Speaker A: Welcome to from caving in to crushing it, the podcast for those who find themselves immersed in adversity and choose to write their story instead of having others write it for them. I'm Drew Deraney, and I'm your host. Today's guest is Larry Cole. Larry exists in shame, fear, and pride, always feeling something was missing. Despite this, he created what appeared to be a reality of freedom, happiness, and satisfaction. He was given the courage to begin his red pill pathway journey on April 2011 by his mentor, Jed Jacobs on a retreat in the woods. Beginning his self exploration of himself, Larry decided to change his life at 05:00 a.m. On September 20, 2020, he jumped off the cliff and dove deep into the rabbit hole of his belief system and inner burdens. Larry met his true self on February 15, 2023, after a series of harrowing exponential leap leaps, dark night of the soul moments, and creation of the red pill pathway. Larry lives in Evanston, Illinois, with Kelly, his patient and beautiful wife, amazing and talented daughter Mila, and too many cats and dogs, including Daisy, Evie, Lucky, and Clover. In his spare time, he talks to himself, reads too many books, and hangs out with amazing friends. Enjoy the show. Hey, Larry. Awesome to see you, my friend. Twice in one day. It's my pleasure, that's for sure. [00:01:50] Speaker B: Yeah, you too, Drew. Thanks for having me on. [00:01:52] Speaker A: Thanks for coming. Know, as the audience knows, I bring people on who have met adversity in their lives. Stuff happened to them, and they made a decision not to give up, instead, move forward and become a stronger person for it. And as you know, in life, we're promised when we're kids that life is linear. Things are going to happen a certain way if you do certain things, and we know it's not true. So reach back as far as you need to and find that defining moment, that moment where you either had a tap on the shoulder or a two by four upside the head that made you realize, Larry, there's a better way to live, man, and I'm going to change it. Tell us about that. [00:02:32] Speaker B: It's hard to pick. There's been so many delineating moments like that that were really critical. And if I look back on them, I can see a theme. [00:02:45] Speaker A: All right, let's go with a theme. [00:02:47] Speaker B: Okay. Should I do it that way? [00:02:49] Speaker A: Yeah, let's do theme. That sounds good, if you can find a pattern. [00:02:52] Speaker B: So I map it back against my entrepreneur experience in a lot of ways because for me, being naturally gravitating towards working for myself, primarily because I can't work for anybody else, or they won't let me. But I really should be working for myself. Anyways, leads me down this path of having vision orientation. So I'm always thinking about what my vision is. So it's not just a job. It's like, this is my thing. This is what I do, and I've got to figure it out. So my big event, life events, have matched up perfectly with my work trajectory. And if I look back, what I found was that there was always a moment where the feeling inside was, I can't do it like this anymore. And it's different in terms of what that means. So we can get specific about the content of that, but in essence, underneath, it was like, I can't do this anymore. And I get into this, I can't do this anymore moment. And then the next thing that always went on in my head was, who am I to think that? Okay, so I began a little inner fight. Little inner fight. So this little voice inside me was telling me, no, you don't have to live like this. There's a better way. You don't have to keep doing this like this. And then immediately, there was another voice that said, larry, that's why they call it work or suck it up. Who are you to decide you want to have the life you want every time? And I could go through all the examples, but that's definitely the pattern. [00:04:45] Speaker A: And every time those conversations were happening, each time, did you lean towards the one that said, it's supposed to be a struggle, or did you lean towards the one that said, it's not supposed to be a struggle? [00:04:56] Speaker B: I always lean towards the grind it out part, and I don't know if that's inevitable. But now that I understand how I look at this, as I call it, the reality system for entrepreneurs, and now I understand how it works. So if I look back then, I would say, okay, now I get it. So now I would know what to do. And now I do know what to do. So that problem solved. I don't have that problem anymore. That's gone away. I know how to live in a way where I don't have that dilemma anymore. But back in the day, at the time when I was going through these struggles, not until it got really bad that I started listening to the part of myself that actually knows what it's talking about. [00:05:50] Speaker A: All right, so let's think about the Larry back then who was more listening to the grind. If Larry of today brought back the reality that, you know, now to the grinded out Larry, would the grind it out. Larry. Have listened to 2023 Larry? [00:06:13] Speaker B: Yeah, it's so interesting. I never thought of that. That's such a great question. I never thought of that question. I couldn't find me. I looked for answers outside of me, and I didn't find me. What I found were a lot of people who taught me to be like them, and nobody taught me how to figure myself out. I teach people how to figure themselves out. I don't teach people to be like me because they won't, can't and shouldn't. [00:06:40] Speaker A: Exactly. That's a very good perspective. Because the truth is, when we're struggling at a young age without the wisdom or experience, we seek out somebody who's going to tell us what to do. And that tell us what to do is going to tell us how they did it. Now, they don't interject that you can adapt, you should adapt what I'm telling you, not adopt. There's a difference between adapt and adopt. We're not really taught that. So we go out there trying to adopt somebody else's process, and it doesn't work. And then we get frustrated until we get to where you are now, where you had that September 15 moment. Right. I want you to get into that where now you realize that it's got to be Larry's way, maybe the Larry of today's way, not the Larry of 20 years ago's way. [00:07:33] Speaker B: I'll give you a concrete example of this from yesterday. [00:07:36] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:07:37] Speaker B: So I'm part of a men's group in the Chicago area called men living, and I do retreats with them. And I've been through a bunch of these kinds of organizations, and this is the one I'm involved in with right now. It's very good. It's national organization, and they run retreats. We were at a meeting, and we're having the meeting, and somebody's talking about a coach they're working with. So he's dealing with a lot of inner child drama, pain. It's embodied pain. It was a tough upbringing, and he survived that upbringing, and he understands what happened. He knows, he knows. He understands and he knows all of it, but his body hasn't caught up yet. Right. So that's the embodied understanding and release. So he hired a somatic coach to help him. So he's describing the somatic coach experience, and I'm listening to him and it's going okay. [00:08:30] Speaker A: Right. [00:08:31] Speaker B: And he said, well, she said it's in my body, and I agree. That's true. So again, reality system. There's opinions and beliefs and someone's experience. And then there's how the reality system works. [00:08:44] Speaker A: Yes. [00:08:45] Speaker B: This stuff's in our body and our subconscious mind. It comes in, it lodges in the body. It's this thought emotion or thought feeling, like, not, you got to get it out. You got to bring this stuff out and release it. So. Yeah, got that. But then the second thing she said was, you need to be more in touch with your body. And I asked him a simple question. I said, when you feel a sense of truth coming, what does it look like? He says, well, I get an image. I said, oh, so you don't get that from your body. [00:09:22] Speaker A: Right. [00:09:23] Speaker B: And he said, no. Okay, so she's steering him in the wrong direction. [00:09:27] Speaker A: Yeah. If he's not feeling that physical. [00:09:30] Speaker B: That's right, because she connects him through body. Because she's a somatic coach, so she's taking what she knows, which is solid, and applying it to someone who has a different archetypal makeup. [00:09:44] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:09:45] Speaker B: And that's going to screw them up. And this is what's always happened to me. There wasn't somebody like me who could stand back and say, who are you? Ask me the right questions and see what was happening and know how the system works so I would know what to do. Instead, they were saying, here's what I know. [00:10:04] Speaker A: That might end up frustrating that poor guy, because you're going to be looking for that physical thing and it's not there. He's got more of a visual that he works off of. That's interesting. That's interesting. So I'm wondering how you got from, and we haven't talked about Solopreneur Inc. Yet, to Red Pill Pathway, because there is a difference in your philosophy. So tell us about how your mindset shifted and how you went from one because one was very successful, and so you switched because you maybe measured success differently and you had that transformation or what made you leave something that was so successful? [00:10:47] Speaker B: So Solopreneur Inc. Could have succeeded, but never quite did. So that was 2023, towards the beginning of the year. Now, I started another company years ago called Call Sales Partners, which is now rebranded Opgen op generation, like opportunity generation, which is a sales outsourcing company. So that's, I think, what you're referring to. And that company did very well very quickly, and I. I did it through just effort, struggle, make it happen. And that was fine as I was doing that, I wasn't always happy about the experience of doing it, but I liked and was good at the fight. [00:11:46] Speaker A: Was it a grind like you had talked. [00:11:49] Speaker B: Not always. Sometimes it was very exhilarating. [00:11:51] Speaker A: Okay. [00:11:52] Speaker B: I was in this mode of, I wanted to win this victory over myself. I wanted to win this victory over life, over the market, get this company to succeed. And I dove in, and I mastered how to struggle without complaining. I mastered how to make an effort effortlessly where I just could get in there. I could work every day. I could work every day. I worked on challenges, all these kinds of things. And then I hit a moment where I wanted to start looking for the next challenge. [00:12:27] Speaker A: Okay. [00:12:28] Speaker B: So I was willing to take a risk. So I gave up some money to have somebody be a vp of sales for the company and started delegating more responsibility to look for my next challenge. This was during the pandemic here, right? So I'm out there looking around, and I was like, I like it over here in the new land better. It seems more fun. There was this idea of this seven figure company with 80% to 90% profit margins doing it on social media, the whole kind of group product with leverage and scale approach. And I'm watching all this stuff, and I'm like, I want to go over there instead of this thing, which is service oriented with clients and delivery of complex services and retainers and legal agreements and just all kinds. And the margins aren't the same. You have to have a team. I was like, I want to move away from that now. Here's what happened, is I found tons of challenges, and I found a lot of different options through the summer, and that company went through my company, the call sales partners at the time went through a cash flow crisis, and I was looking at being maybe 200, 300 grand in debt in the fall and bleeding money and thinking, what am I going to do? Like, how am I going to make this work? I didn't have a problem because I could have just let somebody go. [00:13:50] Speaker A: True. That's right. [00:13:51] Speaker B: I would have had plenty of cash. I would have been making 30 grand a month. [00:13:53] Speaker A: That's right. [00:13:56] Speaker B: Net. I just let a couple of people go. Instead, I'm digging a hole. Hundreds of thousands of dollars, right. And a credit line that's starting to bloom. It never occurred to me to feel okay about this. I looked at this, and I was like, I can't do this anymore. I can't work in this company anymore. I'm exhausted by it. But if I let somebody go, then I have to do the work, and I can't do that, but I can't afford them anymore. And that was the dilemma, and that was when the change happened. And it happened on September 1903:00 in the morning. And then everything changed in September 20. At 05:00 in the morning. [00:14:40] Speaker A: Wow. [00:14:41] Speaker B: And then everything changed. And I call those quantum leaps. [00:14:44] Speaker A: All right, so you're able to pinpoint the 19th and 20 September. I know it's a challenge to explain it in words to people who haven't gone through it in your best ability. Try to elicit some kind of emotion out of us and explain what you went through. And I'm sure there are people in the audience who have gone through something like that. [00:15:05] Speaker B: So here's the emotion. It's a feeling of utter inner despair without any rational explanation. [00:15:19] Speaker A: Okay. [00:15:19] Speaker B: Right. So inside, it's a feeling of things are gravely wrong. They are not. Okay. Or a hint of it. [00:15:30] Speaker A: Okay. [00:15:30] Speaker B: Now, some people, at the hint of it, wake up a bit and say, oh, I better pay attention to this. Many of us, including me. Now. I do. Now, I can see it immediately now. But that took a few years working at it. But at that moment, those hints were all ignored in favor of seeking another challenge. [00:15:51] Speaker A: I see. [00:15:51] Speaker B: So the inner hint of something's kind of off here. Why doesn't this feel right? I was trying to solve that by finding a better new business opportunity. [00:16:03] Speaker A: Okay. [00:16:04] Speaker B: Right. Instead of looking inside and saying, there's something going on inside me that's shifting. Because this is what we're taught in our culture, is not to pay attention to ourselves. We're taught to go chase things. [00:16:17] Speaker A: Yes, absolutely. [00:16:19] Speaker B: This is what happened. And I see this happening virtually to everybody I meet. [00:16:23] Speaker A: Oh, absolutely. [00:16:24] Speaker B: And this is why they're having trouble absolutely. Focusing on, if I get this thing over here, then I'll feel different. [00:16:32] Speaker A: Right. As opposed to just be who you are, and that thing will come if it needs to come. We were talking about needs and wants earlier this morning, and I love your perspective on needs and wants. You had said something this morning about the struggle, and the struggle was all lifted. When you realize you don't even have to have needs and wants, and then everything's okay. You said it much more eloquently than I. [00:16:59] Speaker B: Well, I'll try. So what happened on September 18 or 19th and then the 20th was that my craving, my need, my lack inside for a feeling that things were okay because I thought I needed to solve a financial and a business problem was not solvable. Because it's not solvable. The solution for me was to feel that experience of inner turmoil deeper. As I felt it deeper. And I allowed that feeling to come, it melted. I melted into the feeling. And I came out the other side of a tunnel in a different place. [00:17:52] Speaker A: Unbelievable. [00:17:53] Speaker B: At 05:00 in the morning, and I woke up at 05:00 in the morning, and I felt like something different is going on, and I don't know what it is. [00:18:03] Speaker A: Okay. [00:18:03] Speaker B: But this is better than last night. [00:18:06] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:18:06] Speaker B: And I went with it, and I turned that company over to this guy to run. And I just said, my life will be different from this date. And I don't quite know how or why, but I am going to focus on growing and developing internally. Now. That's another what I call phase. Now we're moving into a new phase of entrepreneurship. [00:18:32] Speaker A: Okay, so you're talking September 19 and 20 today. We're recording this on October 26. [00:18:39] Speaker B: This is 2020. [00:18:41] Speaker A: So you're talking about. [00:18:43] Speaker B: This was three years ago. There's many more chapters to this story. [00:18:48] Speaker A: I want to hear them. [00:18:50] Speaker B: Why don't we have time? But this is chapter one of the new chapter. [00:18:53] Speaker A: We've got some time. You're weaving this beautifully because it seems to be like it ebbs and flows, yet it's a similar occurrences, and you're starting to wake up to it. So we're three years ago, this happened then. What was your next step in your journey? [00:19:12] Speaker B: So I looked at a journal I was keeping. [00:19:14] Speaker A: Okay. [00:19:15] Speaker B: And the difference in the entries in the journal are remarkable. [00:19:19] Speaker A: Okay. All right. [00:19:20] Speaker B: They're remarkable. It is like a different person wrote it. [00:19:23] Speaker A: Okay. [00:19:24] Speaker B: And what happened was I started to get up at 05:00 in the morning every day, and I spent an hour with myself. [00:19:33] Speaker A: Okay. [00:19:34] Speaker B: I got rid of all the news channels. [00:19:36] Speaker A: Good for you. [00:19:37] Speaker B: I got rid of the email inboxes. I got rid of the working early stuff. Now, you don't have to do this early in the morning. You do it at night. You do in the middle of the day. But I began what now, three years later, I call it a daily vision practice. And I kind of got it down to five steps in 30 minutes. And that fundamentally changed everything. But it took a few years for me to really understand how it works and how to adapt it based on the principles of it mattering, but not the specifics of it, because different people do this in different ways, and it needs to be adapted. So it took a little while to figure that out for myself first. [00:20:20] Speaker A: Right now, would you say that the tools are already within you and it's a matter of somehow pulling them out and using them appropriately? [00:20:32] Speaker B: This was the fundamental insight. So the idea of winning the victory over self in my environment, which is the way I was living as an entrepreneur was about inner knowing as well, but without any awareness of it. So it was just being in the world, paying attention to what was going on, and mastering my environment as best I could. Now there were interconnections happening, but I had no awareness of them. [00:21:03] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. [00:21:05] Speaker B: Now what shift, although, and people misunderstand this, but I studied meditation and I've done Tai Chi for many years, so I did all those things. That is not inner awareness opening necessarily. It can be a vehicle to that, but it can also be just a vehicle for energy flow or awareness or focusing. [00:21:27] Speaker A: Right. [00:21:28] Speaker B: It's just a tool. So I was doing all those things. I've always have. So what came out of those moments and being able to recognize for me, the shift in my awareness of myself was that there was an inner life grow, that inner life develop. That inner life became primary over paying attention to what was going on outside of me in my environment. [00:22:00] Speaker A: Absolutely right. [00:22:01] Speaker B: That was the shift leap. [00:22:04] Speaker A: And I think the result of that is, and correct me if I'm wrong, I don't give a shit about what anybody thinks about me. [00:22:13] Speaker B: Well, that took longer. [00:22:16] Speaker A: That is a long journey. [00:22:18] Speaker B: Yeah. Now that I think comes from. I got there with that, and I was thinking a lot about that. I was thinking, I don't know if this inner journey thing necessarily parallels that. I think for me, it was a way of getting there. [00:22:40] Speaker A: Okay. [00:22:41] Speaker B: But I think, why don't we want to be ourselves? Because we don't want to feel humiliation, right? But when we feel enough humiliation, we don't care anymore. We may feel a little embarrassed, but at some point, you don't even feel embarrassed anymore. You don't care at all. You could be a completely unconscious sort of stand up comic. And if enough humiliation and punches in the face and heckling, after a while, you're like, I don't care what anybody thinks anymore. I think it's about the shame experience. [00:23:14] Speaker A: Yeah, how? I think so, too, the shame experience. [00:23:16] Speaker B: So I had all my shame experiences that I could possibly have in my own mind over time. And as I had those myself, no one else could trigger shame in me. [00:23:29] Speaker A: What was your self identity belief about? Were you into self respect and self love and self trust to be able to withstand all this? Or did you struggle with how you thought about yourself? [00:23:42] Speaker B: I felt shame around myself, a big chunk of my life, about just who I was. Like an inner feeling of shame, lack, something's wrong with me. And then that evolved into living in a lot of fear, but being motivated by the fear being motivated by anger at certain points, then later being motivated and very prideful about what you're doing. And I don't see those things as positive or negative, right. I just see them as motivators. And that is all gone. And now it's more about just experiencing who I am directly. So the way that people experience themselves depends on where they are. And there's nothing wrong with any of these things one way or another. For me, I attach to a lot of beliefs all of the time. So I was always looking for an answer of something to believe in. What's the philosophy? What's the approach, what's the thing? And I think I've learned that what I believe in is what I know inside myself is right. So I don't need to subscribe to an orthodoxy of any kind, an approach or a guru or a philosophy or any of it. I'm just like, what feels right for me is what I'm going to do. [00:25:12] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll tell you where you're at right now. I'm not there yet. And I could see how that can be enlightening and just take the weight off your shoulders because for me and for a lot of individuals who end up as an entrepreneur but live their lives in the corporate world because that's what we were supposed to do, we're always trying to find where we fit in. What are the round peg and the square thing? [00:25:42] Speaker B: Well, here. So I got my round pegs and the square. [00:25:51] Speaker A: Yes. [00:25:53] Speaker B: So, Drew, you know why I got all this stuff that I've got right now? Because I couldn't fit in anywhere. [00:25:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:59] Speaker B: I spent my whole life trying to get a corporate job or a normal career. I didn't want to be an entrepreneur. I didn't want to work for myself. I really did. But I know that. But I was trying to conform and I couldn't. Kept failing at everything. Now I see the gift in it, looking back. [00:26:14] Speaker A: Oh, absolutely. And I think the more of us who conform and comply and who struggle and go somewhere else to try to conform and comply and can't, there's nothing wrong with us. I thought there was something wrong with me. I can't fit anywhere. What the hell? It wasn't us. There's a need in this world for entrepreneurs and we really, we're what drives the country, but we're steered away from that when we're young, for whatever reason. So get us now to red pill pathway and dive in a little deep to what you're doing now. I'm fortunate to be experiencing some of what you're going through now by hanging around with you, which I'm grateful for. So go and dive into that and tell us how you now are that different Larry call. You're a different man. [00:27:09] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a shift. And the moment that this started happening came after another inner exhaustion moment. [00:27:21] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:27:22] Speaker B: So you start to see the theme, this is not me. Now, I didn't create this reality system that we live in and how the world works, but I understand it now because I've been wrung out by it, rung out to dry enough times now where I can look back and say, oh, that happened again. How is that true? Like, oh, I'm starting to wake up to some of this stuff. Now. What happened is I had spent all this time on this idea, Solopreneur, Inc. And I'm out here with this free event and that I've been running for three years, and I'm doing all this social media stuff because I'm following the gurus. So who say, get your content right, get your avatar, get your persuasion, get your funnel, get your offer. And I'm doing all of it. So I did all of it. I did the Russell Brunson. I did Alex Hermosi, I did Tod Brown. I mean, I go on and I did all the gurus, all of them. I went through every single one of them. I got Eugene Schwartz book, beyond advertising up there. I trout rice position. I go on and on and on. Childini's persuasion. None of it worked for me. None of it. I learned a lot, but absolutely none of it worked. So Solopreneur Inc. Is up and running, and I'm like, I'm going to do a launch. So this was in January, and 20 people signed up and paid. And I felt awful, okay? I felt awful. And I remember feeling afterwards, when they showed up for the meeting, deer in the headlights, looking at me to tell them, here's what I know and feeling. I have nothing to offer these people. [00:29:05] Speaker A: Was that reality or your belief? [00:29:08] Speaker B: It was reality. So here's the reality. I built a company based on what I thought would work, okay? Based on what the marketers taught me, as opposed to a company that matched the life I wanted to have. [00:29:24] Speaker A: To. [00:29:24] Speaker B: Be with the people that I wanted to be with, to do the thing I wanted to really do, that I had not yet connected deeply enough into myself to access yet, right? So now all of a sudden, I got to show up and help people do something that I didn't want to help them do, all right? [00:29:43] Speaker A: Because 20 to me. Your first time sounds pretty cool. [00:29:46] Speaker B: I thought it was going to be 200. And I remember being very disappointed and feeling, why doesn't anybody like me? And I'd spent at least $150,000 on social media coaches, okay, over three years. And I did all the programs, and I'm like, what is wrong with me? Why does nobody like, I would put out a post and I'd get 20 comments sometimes, or I get a bunch of likes, or sometimes I get little. And the algorithm changed and I had to start over again, and then I would join one of these LinkedIn groups and how do you do LinkedIn? And I remember, this is exhausting where you're chasing. Yeah, exhausting. [00:30:24] Speaker A: Feel it, man. I feel it. Wow. Well, I love the shift now because I can feel you. [00:30:30] Speaker B: Let me give you the shift. What happened is I gave up again, and I said, if this is going to be exhausting, in the same way the business I left, that would make me more money if I just got rid of all this other stuff I'm doing, went back to it. I don't want to. Doesn't feel like it's what I want, but I should just do it because I got to be practical. Somebody going to run out of money here. [00:30:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:30:57] Speaker B: And I might as well be miserable with money than miserable without making money. [00:31:03] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:31:04] Speaker B: I can make more money faster. Coming. The minute that happened, everything changed again, and I had another leap, an internal shift and an opening and a feeling of expansion beyond what I'd experienced before. And that's when the red pill pathway ideas started to come in. [00:31:26] Speaker A: Okay, wonderful. And then you started to channel that, and you're where you are right now. So where are we now with red pill pathway? [00:31:34] Speaker B: Well, it's for entrepreneurs who look at success in terms of freedom, satisfaction and happiness and have a vision inside them. They're trying to get out. And my conviction around this is that that vision is supposed to happen if you're connected to yourself deeply enough. So this pathway is about how do you connect deeply enough with that part of yourself that's going to steer you in the right direction and bring that vision to life in a way that works for you, as opposed to what will work, as is taught by marketers who are going to perhaps help you be successful, often doing something you won't want later. [00:32:29] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:32:29] Speaker B: Which is what happened to me twice, what's happened in my life, four times, five times. [00:32:34] Speaker A: Right. [00:32:34] Speaker B: Where I succeeded at something or sort of almost succeeded. And it would have succeeded if I kept going at the end of the day I didn't want exactly five times. [00:32:44] Speaker A: Right. And your approach. Now, the money will follow. Yes. And you'll feel more aligned with your values when the money follows, because you're doing what you love, what makes you happy. And I love the approach, Larry, because most of what heals us comes from within. And if we are chasing something on the outside to define our happiness, we're going to fail. And more often than not, not learn from it. Because like you said, you were four times following the marketing. [00:33:17] Speaker B: Five times. [00:33:18] Speaker A: Four or five times. Unbelievable. Now, what else do you have out on the horizon that you feel comfortable enough to share? [00:33:28] Speaker B: Well, I think what we're doing together with Brian Muka. So we're going to run a retreat in the Dominican Republic. Friend of mine has a retreat center down there. It's really incredible. Like on the beach. And my idea for the. Let me turn this off. My idea for the retreat, when you and I were first talking about it, I was talking to Brian about it was, I've been on a lot of these things, and the experience of the expansion and whatever ayahuasca thing or the inner work thing or whatever the thing is that people are doing, then they come back and it's Monday. [00:34:04] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:34:05] Speaker B: My idea is let's reverse it. So why don't we spend a week figuring out how to have not only an incredible Monday, but like an incredible year, but not plan anything, right? No goals, no strategies. I don't have any goals. I don't have any strategies. I have a vision, and I know what to do because I'm connected with myself. So how do we connect with ourselves? There's a woman on Instagram who's very popular. Very popular. And she had this video where she was making fun of her inability to sit on the couch for 30 seconds by herself, not checking her phone. [00:34:41] Speaker A: Okay. [00:34:42] Speaker B: And I thought, why would anyone follow someone like that to learn anything when that's the only way to know anything, is to get to know yourself? So I'm like, let's have a get to know ourselves weekend and then construct a strategy from that. That's not a strategy, just a different way of living throughout. [00:35:03] Speaker A: Absolutely. Well, it was like what you mentioned before, how you pushed away all the social media and know to try to give yourself a chance to get to know yourself. Very important. So, yes, I'm grateful to be partnering with you and Brian on that. I think it's going to be a life changer for a lot of people, including us. Let me see. So now I know that the audience has certainly captured the essence of this Larry call, and it's nice to be able to see the difference between the two. They're going to want to get in touch with you, Larry. So we're going to make it easy here. So, folks, redpillpathway.com. All right, that's Larry's website. You can scroll down and you'll see where it says the entrepreneur experience. Definitely register for that. See what it's like. I was there this morning. It's unbelievable. There's a, there's a registration link in there. There's quite a few things that Larry's doing in line of what we just talked about. And just to talk about it is not enough. You need to experience it. So redpillpathway.com, I definitely suggest you hop on as soon as you finish listening to this episode. Geez, Larry, I could talk to you all day. All right, so I have two final questions. All right, you ready for this? Okay. Yeah, Larry. So picture this. You have the opportunity to sit down with young seven to ten year old Larry to give him advice about life. After everything we talked about, what are you going to tell him? [00:36:37] Speaker B: It's very simple. And I really only would say one thing. And I would say with absolute conviction, I would say, you already know the answer. Every single thing you think is true is right. Everything, every single thing. I get emotional just saying it to my old self because no one told me this. No one ever told me. I knew that those hinches, those gut instincts that other people were lying are wrong in what they believed, those ideas of recognizing in the society that what people who were incredibly successful were saying was wrong for me and just often just plain wrong altogether, but definitely more importantly, wrong for me, was something no one ever told. [00:37:24] Speaker A: No. No. Well, thanks for sharing that with your younger self and the people out there who needed to hear that, Larry. All right, so switching hats now. You have the opportunity. You're sitting down with young Larry, the entrepreneur, young businessman, and you want to give him advice about business. [00:37:40] Speaker B: You're going to tell know, I think that the biggest thing hurdle for me, and it took a long time to really believe this, like, to have just an inner certainty and knowingness around this idea, is that I separated what I always wanted from what I could have always wanted. [00:38:04] Speaker A: Okay? [00:38:04] Speaker B: Yeah. And I thought these were two separate things. And I see this a lot where people say, well, my passion, my purpose, my vision, my mission or whatever is over here, but that's not practical now because I got this stuff I got to deal with, but I want to be over here now. The solution is not to solve that problem. The solution is to recognize that if you have a vision inside yourself that's that big, it's going to happen. It's supposed to happen. It doesn't make sense for a reality system, as I'm talking about it here, to be constructed to give somebody that talent or that vision and then at the same time make it impossible to happen. It doesn't make any sense, but you don't get to have it the way you want. [00:38:56] Speaker A: Right. [00:38:57] Speaker B: But you have to do certain things. And as you learn how to connect into that vision which is inside yourself, deeper through these practices I'm talking about, and how to bring that out in the world in a way where you don't compromise it, but you're presenting it in a way people can understand. Because usually these things require other people to change their thinking, and that triggers people. So there's a way of speaking where it's easier for them to understand. And I would tell, as a business person, I would say, basically, don't listen to them. Listen to yourself. And when you see something that feels right, go. If it doesn't feel right, don't listen to anything that that person says, no matter how successful they appear to be or how persuasive they are. [00:39:49] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. No, very good point. Absolutely. Jeez. Yeah. Our gut is 99% correct. 99% of the time, our gut is correct, and we don't listen to it. We got to start listening to it. So, Larry, thank you so much for coming on, man. [00:40:05] Speaker B: Thanks, Drew. [00:40:05] Speaker A: I'm grateful. We've known each other for these years and just recently are getting close. Yeah, it's amazing how things know. I think we've known each other probably about three years, on and off through LinkedIn and all these events. And then for some reason, for whatever that universe reason is, we are now beginning on a journey that I think is going to change lives. And I'm excited to be on this path with you, my friend, this red pill pathway. I commend you for switching gears and going after what you believe you need as the human being you are meant to be. So thank you, man. I appreciate it. [00:40:45] Speaker B: Thank you, Drew. I appreciate it. [00:40:47] Speaker A: Absolutely. All right, everybody, you take care of yourself. Thanks so much for listening. 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