Latest Episodes

Episode 28
August 01, 2023
Episode 28 - Andrea Pass - And When I Graduated, I Walked in There, Right in New York City, I Walked Into CBS Television, It's the Late 1980s and They Said to Me, Okay, You're a Woman. You Have to Take a Typing Test
This episode: Yeah, and quite honestly, for your listeners, if you are experiencing a bully boss, it's not you. It's them. Get the experience,...

Episode 27
August 01, 2023
Episode 27 - Tommy Breedlove - I'm Gonna Start With the Truth, Pain Has Molded Me Into Who I Am, the Pain That Was Given to Me and the Pain That I Caused Myself
This episode: And the truth is, as I was that angry, scared little boy, was a kid, and with the money, the power, the...

Episode 26
July 27, 2023
Episode 26 - Amberly Lago - When I Woke Up Out of a Coma is When I Learned I Had a 1% Chance of Saving My Leg From Amputation
This episode: I lived in California, and I had a booming business. I was in the fitness industry, and I employed several other trainers,...

Episode 25
July 27, 2023
Episode 25 - Tracy Card - I Had No Idea How Fun Sales Would Be
This episode: Before my career change, I was in HR for 22 years, and I was very competent, I knew what I was doing...

Episode 24
July 27, 2023
Episode 24 - Anke Herrmann - You Feel You're Just Cruising Slowly Towards Death With Nothing in Between. And I Never Wanted That. So, I Basically Made the Moves I Needed to Make to Get Out of East Germany Before the Wall Came Down
This episode: One thing that I think I always find worth mentioning that I actually grew up in East Germany, behind the wall. It...

Episode 23
July 26, 2023
Episode 23 - Scott Hartley - And Then in February of 2021, I Suddenly Got Let Go. Okay. So, You Think Everything's Going Great, You Find This Dream Position. And Then It’s Gone
This episode: Every entrepreneur and really every person in life, knows life is never a straight line from point A to point B. It's...